ECE 313

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奇怪的ECE 313,他为什么属于ECE而不是属于MATH呢




probability space

It’s a triplet

  • : A nonempty set, each element of is called an outcome and is called the sample space. The number of is called the cardinality of
  • : read as Script F, a set of all subsets of , also call it events.
  • : a probability measure on F. is the probability of event ().

We use or to mean the complement of A.

Event axioms:

  • is an event ().
  • If is an event then is an event ().
  • If and are events then is an event ().

Probability axioms:

  • .
  • if and and are mutually exclusive , then .

Calculate the size of various sets

Principle of counting: If there are ways to select one variable and ways to select another varaible, and if these two selections can be made independently, then there is a total of ways to make the pair of selections.

n choose k:

A random variable is a real-valued function on :

  • pmf (probability mass function):

The mean of a random variable:
The mean (also called expectation) of a random variable with pmf is denoted by and is defined by , where is the list of possible values of .
The general formula for the mean of a function, , of , is .
The variance and standard deviation of a random variable:
The variance of a random variable is a measure of how spread out the pmf of is. Letting , the variance is defined by:
The standardized version of is the random variable , and

Conditional probabilities

The conditional probability of B given A is defined by:

Mutually independent events

Event is independent of event if .

Events , and are pairwise independent if

Events , and are independent if ther are pairwise independent and if

Discrete-type indepent random variables

Random variables and are independent if any event of the form is independent of any event of the form . ()

Binomial distribution

A random variable is said to have the Bernoulli distribution with parameter , where , if and . ,

Suppose independent Bernoulli trials are conducted, each resulting in a one with probability and a zero with probability . Let denote the total number of ones occurring in the trials. The pmf of is

Geometric distribution

Do Bernoulli trials untill the outcome of a trial is one. L denote the number of trials conducted. The pmf of L is: and .

Negative binomial distribution

Let denotes the number of trials required for ones, and the last trail must be one. Let , and let . The event is determined by the outcomes of the ffirst n trials. The event is true iff there are ones and zeros in the first trials, and trail is one. Therefore, the pmf of is given by

Poisson disttribution

The Poission probability distribution with parameter is the one with pmf . It’s a good approximation for a binomial distribution with parameters and , when is very large, is very small, and .


  • Radio active emissions in a fixed time interval: n is the number of uranium atoms in a rock sample, and p is the probability that any particular one of those atoms emits a particle in a one minute period.
  • Incoming phone calls in a fixed time interval: n is the number of people with cell phones within the access region of one base station, and p is the probability that a given such person will make a call within the next minute.
  • Misspelled words in a document: n is the number of words in a document and p is the probability that a given word is misspelled.

Maximum likelihood parameter estimation

For a random variable , and that the pmf of is , where is a parameter. The probability of k being the observed value for X. The likelihood is . The maximum likelihood estimate of for observation , denoted by , is the value of that maximizes the likelihood, , with respect to . (Give k, find (or in some Bernoulli trials) to make biggest, the value of ).

Markov and Chebychev inequalities and confidence intervals

Markov’s inequality:
Chebychev inequality:

The law of total probability
